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2 posts tagged with "economics"

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Personal finances and indie-project budget

· 3 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


Just a short update this time, as I was busy preparing my tax return and rebalancing my personal portfolio last week. Ensuring that your personal finances are in good shape is a critical skill, especially when you don't have VC funding 😅 But seriously, I believe this topic is worth highlighting.

Running micro-SaaS for less than 1€ a month

· 9 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


In my previous posts, I mostly focused on the technical aspects related to, such as the technological stack, deployment process, and tools for monitoring and usage analytics.

Today, I'd like to discuss the costs associated with running in production. As developers, we understand the importance of being resourceful, frugal, and efficient when building and maintaining products. Therefore, minimizing costs is a crucial and ongoing topic. Let's dive into how I optimize costs for