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22 posts tagged with "technology"

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A primer on open-source intelligence for bug bounty hunting in Grafana

· 12 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of

Before getting to the main topic of this blog post, I’d like to take a moment to share some exciting news (at least for me):, the product for software engineers and security researchers that I’ve been working on lately, is now generally available!

Preparing the tool for GA is what has been keeping me busy for the last couple of months. I’d encourage you to quickly skim through the video guides to learn what is capable of today:

It’s still early days for, and if you want to know what's coming, check out the roadmap.


Today, I’d like to touch on open-source intelligence, or OSINT. According to Wikipedia, open-source intelligence is the collection and analysis of data gathered from open sources (covert sources and publicly available information) to produce actionable intelligence. As you can infer from the definition, OSINT is a vast topic, and the best way to understand such broad topics is through concrete, narrow-scoped practical examples. In this blog post, I’d like to share one of the approaches on how OSINT techniques can be applied to bug bounty hunting for products with publicly hosted code on GitHub, using the awesome open-source project Grafana as an example. Read on!

Cybersecurity basics: security mindset

· 9 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


Recently, I was invited to give a presentation on cybersecurity to a group of young developers at Onja, a social enterprise in Madagascar. Since they are at the beginning of their cybersecurity journey, I didn't want to bore them with the hackneyed OWASP Top 10 or overwhelm them with the plethora of security tools developers have to rely on these days to keep software safe and secure. Instead, I wanted to discuss something basic yet foundational for anyone dealing with cybersecurity - the security mindset.

In my experience, when it comes to security, the right mindset is what transforms an average engineer into a good one. It's not something you can buy or acquire quickly, but it's something everyone can learn over time and benefit from throughout their career. The earlier you realize this, the better. Similar to building personal wealth, the earlier you start learning and investing, the better your life will be.

Generally speaking, if you're dealing with anything related to security, the right mindset gets you roughly 80% of the job done; the remaining 20% comes from proper tooling, a good team, and other factors. I like to say that developing a security mindset is simple, but not easy.

This blog post is the presentation turned into a blog post. Read on!

Supercharge your app with user extensions using Deno runtime

· 11 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


Today, I'd like to discuss one of the many approaches to implement user extensions in your application, using "script" extensions for the webhooks introduced in in January, 2024 (1.0.0-alpha.5) as an example. In a nutshell, "script" extensions enable users to dynamically process incoming webhook requests and decide on the response on the fly, making simple webhooks akin to tiny applications.

As a user, have you ever wished for your favorite application to behave a little differently? Sometimes, even a slight change in behavior could make a big difference in the application or tool you rely on. Alternatively, as a developer, have you found yourself in a situation where numerous user feature requests seem almost identical but not quite enough to implement a single feature that satisfies all users without creating a ton of different toggles to customize behavior?

These are rhetorical questions, as I'm sure that such scenarios have crossed your path at least once. Otherwise, browser extensions, Shopify apps, Notion integrations, Grafana, and WordPress plugins wouldn't be as popular.

How to track anything on the internet or use Playwright for fun and profit

· 11 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


After a refreshing winter-time blogging-break, I'd like to resume introducing new features of through practical use cases. Ever wondered how to easily track something on the internet that does not offer subscribing to updates natively? If so, let me introduce you a recently released web content tracking utility that made its debut in December 2023 (v1.0.0-alpha.4). I'll explain how I use it for various tasks, well beyond its primary security focus. Additionally, I'll cover how it's made in case you're interested in developing a similar tool yourself. Read on!

Explore web applications through their content security policy (CSP)

· 5 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


I've finally wrapped up the feature development and fixes planned for the "Q4 2023 – Oct-Dec" milestone of, a month earlier than expected! It feels good to be getting better at estimating my own work 🙂 I still need to update documentation and create a few demo videos for the new functionality, but that should be the easy part. Hopefully, I can release a new version in a week or so.

Like anything we invest our time and energy in, I want to raise awareness about the work I've done, gauge interest, and hopefully receive constructive feedback. I'm not a fan of blunt self-promotion, so I'm going to try something different - demonstrating new features in action. Sometimes I'll show their business value, and other times it'll just be for fun and entertainment. In this post, I'll demonstrate how to use the new “Import content security policy” feature to learn a bit more about the websites you use every day. Let's dive in!

Two simple rules for better and more secure code

· 4 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


In one of my previous posts, "The best application security tool is education", I discussed why educating yourself or your engineers about security can yield the highest return on investment, especially if you have a limited budget. However, I understand that learning or teaching security is not as straightforward as it sounds. Every organization has its unique characteristics, and every engineer has their own distinct qualities. Moreover, internalizing secure coding practices is a time-consuming process. If you're just starting on this journey, I'm here to share two very simple rules that are easy to remember and have the potential to significantly enhance the security of the code you or your colleagues write. So, let's dive in!