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25 posts tagged with "overview"

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Detecting changes in JavaScript and CSS isn't an easy task, Part 1

· 6 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


In one of my previous posts, I explained the concept behind the Resource Tracker utility in and who can benefit from it. Initially, I had planned to release it in the "Q2 2023 - Apr - Jun" feature update (around the first week of July). However, it has taken a bit more time than I initially anticipated. In this post and the following ones, I would like to explain why comparing JavaScript and CSS files is not as simple of a problem as it may appear at first glance, and I'll share the solution I developed for

Q2 2023 update - Web resources tracker

· 4 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


As the end of "Q2 2023 - Apr-Jun" milestone (that's how I structure my roadmap) is quickly approaching, I wanted to give a quick update on the progress so far. One of the significant deliverables for this milestone is a functional web resources tracker utility. The utility should give developers the ability to track resources of any web page. You may be wondering why they would want to do that and how it relates to security. Let me explain using two personas: the developer and the security researcher.

Does a one-man project need a formal project management process?

· 6 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


Today, I'd like to share my perspective on formal project management for small to medium-sized projects, using as an example. When starting a new project, it's often driven by a spark of inspiration or a strong desire to solve a specific issue for yourself or a group of people. At this early stage, formality can be a distraction and drain motivation quickly. You have a clear vision of what needs to be done, and adding unnecessary formalities can hinder progress.

Initially, things may go smoothly without a formal project management process. You create functional prototypes, launch an MVP with a catchy domain name, and receive positive feedback from early users. However, over time, the excitement from these achievements can diminish, and internal motivation alone may not be enough to drive the project forward. This is a natural human tendency, and it's important to recognize it. If you're satisfied with your project in its current state, or if it was originally intended as a short-term fun project and you're ready to move on to something new, that's perfectly fine. You should absolutely embrace the joy of building and exploring new ideas.

However, if you want to advance a more complex project and still maintain sufficient motivation, I believe it's essential to adopt a different strategy. The strategy I'm going to discuss next involves incorporating a bit of formal project management to keep yourself on track, sustain progress, and avoid the disappointment of yet another unfinished project.

Running micro-SaaS for less than 1€ a month

· 9 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


In my previous posts, I mostly focused on the technical aspects related to, such as the technological stack, deployment process, and tools for monitoring and usage analytics.

Today, I'd like to discuss the costs associated with running in production. As developers, we understand the importance of being resourceful, frugal, and efficient when building and maintaining products. Therefore, minimizing costs is a crucial and ongoing topic. Let's dive into how I optimize costs for

Deployment overview of micro-cluster for micro-SaaS

· 5 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


In my previous post, I discussed the technological stack behind and introduced its four separate components: a backend server written in Rust, a React-based Web UI client, a documentation website powered by Docusaurus, and a lightweight static promotional home page.

Today, I'll provide a brief overview of how and where I deploy these components to ensure the complete functionality of