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Time management, subtraction as a life motto

· 3 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


Today, I want to talk about time management, but don't worry, I'm not going to give you another lecture on task prioritization or the importance of a good sleep schedule (although those are important too!). You've probably come across numerous articles covering those topics already, some helpful and others not so much. Instead, I want to share my personal experience and focus on a key aspect that has greatly influenced how I make the most of my time: subtraction. Subtraction, in this context, refers to the removing things, commitments, and plans that don't clearly align with my goals and overall happiness.

Exploring third-party services with webhooks

· 6 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


Today, I'd like to show you how you can leverage the "Webhooks" feature of to explore third-party web services, or as a security researcher would say, perform a basic active reconnaissance. Reconnaissance is just a fancy word for gathering information about a target system to identify exploitable vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. In this post, we'll focus on learning how a specific web service implements functionality that interests us. Our intention is purely innocent — we simply want to understand how it works. However, the technique we'll use is quite similar to what security researchers employ during routine reconnaissance.

Why I started writing regularly

· 5 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


Until this year, I had never published a blog post on the internet. However, in the past month, I have published 10 of them and shared them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Mastodon, the only three social/professional networks I use. This is not my usual approach, and you may wonder why I'm doing it. The reasons are multifaceted, so let me explain and hopefully encourage others like me to start writing as well.

Q2 2023 update - Web resources tracker

· 4 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


As the end of "Q2 2023 - Apr-Jun" milestone (that's how I structure my roadmap) is quickly approaching, I wanted to give a quick update on the progress so far. One of the significant deliverables for this milestone is a functional web resources tracker utility. The utility should give developers the ability to track resources of any web page. You may be wondering why they would want to do that and how it relates to security. Let me explain using two personas: the developer and the security researcher.

Personal finances and indie-project budget

· 3 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


Just a short update this time, as I was busy preparing my tax return and rebalancing my personal portfolio last week. Ensuring that your personal finances are in good shape is a critical skill, especially when you don't have VC funding 😅 But seriously, I believe this topic is worth highlighting.

Security configuration management for software engineers

· 6 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of

In my previous posts, I have consistently emphasized the importance of improving efficiency and reducing waste, whether it's time, money, or energy. This concept has become a central theme in several projects I am currently involved in, including Today, I want to share my thoughts on security configuration management and how and similar tools can enhance efficiency in this area by empowering software engineers, who are responsible for designing and implementing security configurations.