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22 posts tagged with "technology"

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Detecting changes in JavaScript and CSS isn't an easy task, Part 3

· 6 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


This is the third and final part of a series of posts (part #1, part #2) where I explain why comparing JavaScript and CSS files isn't as simple as it may initially seem. Additionally, I'll share how I tackled this problem for the Resources Tracker utility in

In the previous posts, I covered various challenges, including handling both inline and external resources, dealing with dynamically loaded and frequently changing resources, and comparing data and blob URLs. Today, I'd like to discuss the security-related challenges you should be mindful of if you're planning to build a similar tool like the Resources Tracker utility.

Detecting changes in JavaScript and CSS isn't an easy task, Part 2

· 5 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


This is the second part of my previous post where I started discussing the challenges related to tracking changes in JavaScript and CSS resources, and how I address these challenges in the Resources Tracker utility in

In the previous part, I talked about handling inline and external resources, dealing with dynamically loaded resources, and comparing large-sized resources. Now, let's explore the next set of challenges you need to consider when comparing JavaScript and CSS resources.

Detecting changes in JavaScript and CSS isn't an easy task, Part 1

· 6 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


In one of my previous posts, I explained the concept behind the Resource Tracker utility in and who can benefit from it. Initially, I had planned to release it in the "Q2 2023 - Apr - Jun" feature update (around the first week of July). However, it has taken a bit more time than I initially anticipated. In this post and the following ones, I would like to explain why comparing JavaScript and CSS files is not as simple of a problem as it may appear at first glance, and I'll share the solution I developed for

Security tools and AI are a perfect match

· 4 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


It's an understatement to say that there is a lot of hype around AI these days. It seems to be integrated into everything. The company I work for, Elastic, is also keeping up with the trend by recently releasing the [Elasticsearch Relevance Engine™ (ESRE™)] and the Elastic AI Assistant. Even though I'm typically quite skeptical about over-hyped stuff, I must admit that AI is certainly making waves!

Unsurprisingly, I also find myself asking a question: could the integration of AI tools be useful to the users of Let's attempt to answer this question by exploring a simple proof-of-concept that I have been tinkering with this week!

Exploring third-party services with webhooks

· 6 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


Today, I'd like to show you how you can leverage the "Webhooks" feature of to explore third-party web services, or as a security researcher would say, perform a basic active reconnaissance. Reconnaissance is just a fancy word for gathering information about a target system to identify exploitable vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. In this post, we'll focus on learning how a specific web service implements functionality that interests us. Our intention is purely innocent — we simply want to understand how it works. However, the technique we'll use is quite similar to what security researchers employ during routine reconnaissance.

Q2 2023 update - Web resources tracker

· 4 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


As the end of "Q2 2023 - Apr-Jun" milestone (that's how I structure my roadmap) is quickly approaching, I wanted to give a quick update on the progress so far. One of the significant deliverables for this milestone is a functional web resources tracker utility. The utility should give developers the ability to track resources of any web page. You may be wondering why they would want to do that and how it relates to security. Let me explain using two personas: the developer and the security researcher.