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25 posts tagged with "thoughts"

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A plan for Q3 2023 iteration

· 4 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that I wrapped up the "Q2 2023 Apr-Jun" iteration and moved on to the next one: "Q3 2023 Jul-Sep". In this post, I want to briefly cover what I'm going to work on during this iteration. I'll highlight three main areas: improvements to the certificate templates, scheduled automatic web page resources checks, and shareable content.

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep iteration

Announcing 1.0.0-alpha.2 release

· 4 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


This weekend, I finally wrapped up the "Q2 2023 – Apr-Jun" iteration and cut a new 1.0.0-alpha.2 release of Admittedly, this release was delayed "a bit" (well, almost 3 weeks delay, that happens) since I needed slightly more time to prepare the "Resources tracker" functionality for the general public. I tried to explain why it wasn't a trivial task in the "Detecting changes in JavaScript and CSS isn't an easy task" series of posts (part 1, part 2, part 3). Check them out!

If you want to learn more about the "Resources tracker" functionality, I encourage you to start from this guide. For your convenience, I'm also attaching a short video clip here demonstrating how it works using a "fake" HTML page backed by the "Responders" feature. For the rest of the changes included in this release, please refer to the full changelog at secutils@v1.0.0-alpha.2.

How is it to build something in public?

· 3 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of

TL;DR: It’s a hard, but rewarding experience!


It’s been two months since I opened up for an open beta and started writing about my indie hacking journey in public for the first time while still being a full-time employee at Elastic. In this short post, I just want to reflect on how things are going, what was good, and what wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be. If you’re in a similar situation or just curious, read on!

Detecting changes in JavaScript and CSS isn't an easy task, Part 3

· 6 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


This is the third and final part of a series of posts (part #1, part #2) where I explain why comparing JavaScript and CSS files isn't as simple as it may initially seem. Additionally, I'll share how I tackled this problem for the Resources Tracker utility in

In the previous posts, I covered various challenges, including handling both inline and external resources, dealing with dynamically loaded and frequently changing resources, and comparing data and blob URLs. Today, I'd like to discuss the security-related challenges you should be mindful of if you're planning to build a similar tool like the Resources Tracker utility.

Detecting changes in JavaScript and CSS isn't an easy task, Part 2

· 5 min read
Aleh Zasypkin
Creator of


This is the second part of my previous post where I started discussing the challenges related to tracking changes in JavaScript and CSS resources, and how I address these challenges in the Resources Tracker utility in

In the previous part, I talked about handling inline and external resources, dealing with dynamically loaded resources, and comparing large-sized resources. Now, let's explore the next set of challenges you need to consider when comparing JavaScript and CSS resources.